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The doorway darkening long before the hiss of air harkened the pressure equalization between the two ships. A few minutes later, the door swung open and a uniformed man exited. He stopped, studying them for a moment.“Are you the ... what is it, hoomoons?”“Humans,” Al answered, stepping forward and offering his hand. The new stranger stared at it, unused to the strange human custom, eventually reaching out, trying his best to follow Al’s lead.“My name is Capt’n Zhorltortz, I’m here to transport you to the Shuttle.”“My name is Al, Captain. Isn’t that the shuttle?” he asked, pointing at the open port leading to his ship.”“No, it’s a shuttle, but the Shuttle is the Tandorian Shipyard Shuttle, which will take you to the surface, though you’ll exit before reaching the planet.”Al made introductions all around before pausing, indicating his forehead. “You say you’re a captain, but you don’t have the same markings.”“Again, I’m a shuttle captain, not a starship captain. You’re an Intuit. While. I started trying to pull my back zipper on my overalls, it was very difficult but I managed to do it. I similarly pulled the straps down and tied it around my legs. I started to undo my high waisted buttons but they were so tightly clamped from my enormous bloated bladder. My shaking hands didn’t help unbuttoning. I had to push the material in to get enough leeway, but stupidly that made my bladder spasm a few more drops out.I finally got the outer most 3 layers off, the clothes were all hanging around my knees and almost no room left. I started to become a little horny from the wetness, I wanted to put my layers back on and wet them all. However, I knew I shouldn’t and I resisted that temptation. I continued to pull down my pants and started on the short jumpsuit which was just a zipper. I didn’t take it off, instead I slide my hands inside and undid my shorts. I started to rub myself hard through my bodysuits. My head was filled with ecstasy as massaged my pussy.
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