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I was just starting to pee when I felt her reach around me to hold my penis as I urinated. "So this is what it's like to pee standing up." She aimed the stream so it did little circle-eights in the bowl water.When I was done, she shook it several times until the final drop was gone. She immediately sat down and spread her legs, "You can do me if you want." I put my hand to her labia and spread them as I watched the trickle from her pee-hole turn into a full flow. She gave me a pseudo dirty look when I dabbed the last droplet with my bare finger and rubbed it on my leg.She stood and leaned in towards the mirror, inspecting her eyes. "I suppose I should take off this make-up." She looked over to me with a pouty face, "I got all dressed up and didn't even get me none."I came up behind her and leaned over and whispered into her ear. "The least I can do is help you get undressed."She turned to face me, still pinned against the vanity. "You would do that for me?"I picked her up and sat her. They were in the southern hemisphere of Aurora."We would be," Phil commented wryly. "World Traders' base is a good ways north of the equator, by almost twenty degrees, and we must be at least fifty or sixty degrees south by the height of the sun. Let's see, seventy degrees of latitude, and probably a fair amount of longitude. That's, let me see if I can figure it. Aurora's only about six thousand miles in diameter..."His voice trailed off as he worked the figures over in his head."How far do we have to go?" Audrey seemed shaken, as though only now realizing just how large even a minor planet could be for people travelling on foot."Three or four thousand miles," he answered glumly. "That much or more. Even if we could cover forty miles a day, it would take us at least three months to get there. And that would be if we knew right where it was." At least we kin live off the country," Charley observed hopefully. "The last planet I was on, we couldn't eat the local food. We had to carry.
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