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Her light brown hair was pulled off her face and held back by a large clip. Although they couldn't be seen in the mirror, she sported brown, rubber-sole boots laced half-way up her calf. She also wore a black sleeveless tee-shirt with the word 'CUNT' artistically arranged in the middle of it, but it wasn't that which annoyed her mum. It wasn't her fault if the old cow couldn't keep up with fashion, but Bunny knew that if you didn't flash the gash in this neighbourhood you were fucking nobody, girlfriend! And it wasn't as if she shaved it like some tarts. She kept the hair long enough so you had to get real close to be sure you could see the lips and clit and all. And her inner lips didn't drop out like some fucking inner tube like some sad bitches."Don't be back late!" yelled her mum, as Bunny slammed the door behind her and made her way out of the estate, past the graffiti on the walls and discarded needles and rubbers in the gutter, towards the spot by the park where she and her. They too brought a different flavour to the festive time with their stylish moves.I felt pity for the good looking guy standing near me. He will surely have no idea about what will happen after that.The energy slowly reduced as ever hour past. People started to move towards dinning area and then to their home. At around 10, no other people other than the people from outstation were there.My dad did separate arrangements for them in a neat hotel which is in outskirts of the town.So they all left in the vehicle provided to them after some dirty jokes on me about the subh mukurth.So it was only our family in the marriage hall now.We together as a family had the dinner. Since it was late, my dad asked everyone except my brothers and their wife’s along with me and my husband to stay in the marriage hall itself.Subh mukurth must happen in our house only, and this is the tradition which was followed for generations now.So all my brother’s and their wife’s got into the vehicle and my dad.
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