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Although she couldn't see anything like a lens, she decided to act as though she was being monitored. After all, it was actually secretly thrilling to think that she was being kept under observation. So she crouched down and began to lap the water. It wasn't easy - she seemed to get very little into her mouth and her face was getting wet but the water tasted good. She looked at the tiny biscuits but chose not to taste them yet. Although she still felt weak, Alexa managed to stand and wandered in a daze around the spacious room as far as her tether chain would allow. The books along the shelves intrigued her but she only looked at the spines without daring to touch any - lots were about warfare and military history, while others were concerned with anatomy and psychology. A few of the other books had titles in French by somebody called 'De Sade'. There was also a bound collection of reports and papers from UNICEF and something else called CARE. If this was master Stephen's room, he. Later that night, I was coming back from watching the fire works around midnight, I hopped on the empty elevator when at the last minute the cause of my blue balls hoped in. She was friendly, probably a bit drunk too. “Hi, you were on the beach earlier, I saw you” “yes, I remember” I answered, “you were sporting an awesome camel toe all day” I continued. She giggled, turn beet red and said “so you did notice” “how could I not notice, you have fat pussy lips” I said. The elevator got to my floor and the doors opened, she had missed her stop, I got out and so did she. We continued to stare at each other, then she gripped my crotch, leaned in and whispered “did you get hard” “I did, and I believe you have some unfinished business with my cock”. I turned her around and marched her towards the stair case at the end of the wall. As we were walking towards the staircase, I grabbed her ass chicks with my hand. I opened the door to the stairwell, took a few steps, grabbed the back of her.
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