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Fuck me, lover!' Allie squealed.I thrust hard into her and held still while my cock did its thing and blasted her pussy walls with my seed. At moments like this I cursed the condition which had rendered my wife barren.Still, I thought, as I eased my softening cock from my wife's pussy, there was a willing daughter down the hall – possibly two, though I would fuck only Rachel – if she was willing, and only until she reached menarche. I suspected my wife – my kinky wife – might encourage Rachel and me to continue fucking even after Rachel could be impregnated, with a view to increasing the size of our family still further, but the answer to that question could wait.In the meantime, I knew I didn't have to. Wait, that is.A woman's climax is supposed to make her sleepy. This is nature's way of getting her to keep still, to give the man's seed the best chance of finding and penetrating her egg. Allie, of course, is different: after sex, she seems to get all bright and chirpy. At night, I. "Sometimes it would be so much easier if I were normal." You are normal." I'm gay, Shawna..." Right? And why isn't that normal?" How long have you got?" Damn — you need to talk to Marcus about this, you really do. I don't know how he does it — let's face it, he's a long, long way from what most people would consider normal — but he manages to make the differences seem irrelevant." Oh, hell..." What?" Marcus... he said he'd help me tomorrow, with some physiotherapy." So?" So! I need to shave my legs. Can you help me, I need to get to the bathroom." You're going to shave?" Hell yeah... even if... oh hell, alright, I'm gay, and Marcus wouldn't work. I still don't want him to see me with hairy legs, OK." Have you tried waxing?" No..." You should, it lasts so much longer." Doesn't it hurt?" A little... not as much as some people make out, but it isn't painless. Just... try a bit somewhere first to make sure you don't react badly to the wax, don't go over the same bit more than once or.
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