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Ronnie dropped his head and walked up to her. He got within a foot of her and said, ‘I’m sorry. That sexist bullshit I pulled behind the shed was un-called for, but I’m not letting a little girl do a bunch of hard manual labor while I sit and watch. Please go out and push that button so we can get this done. Together.’ His last word sounded like it burned his tongue to say but Cora knew his apology burned his pride even more so she jumped down and started her work. Once the bags were filled and stacked she and Ronnie silently stalked off to the old shed. They looked around at the job ahead of them. There were piles of rusted parts to tractors and trucks, sheets of scrap metal, and old bikes and wagons that her mother probably played with as a child. They easily loaded everything into the back of Ronnie’s truck. When it was empty they examined their work side by side. With a sigh Cora let her head rest on Ronnie’s arm. She was relieved that the work day was over. Ronnie looked down at. I looked to my right at the row of breasts, all heaving with fear. I tried to look over my shoulder to see who else was in the room. The male guards flanked the elevator, occasionally chatting about our asses and tits. I needed to get free, anyway I could. "If you untie me, I'll make love to you both right now. Or whatever you want. And when we're done, you can put me right back up here, no one will be the wiser." "I'd rather fuck your kid" was the only response I got.The girl returned without Alex, and now it was my turn. There was nothing more I could say. The doors opened and I was pushed into the light. "Next up, Alexandra's mother Jessica! As you recall, Jessica is thirty five, weighs one hundred and twelve pounds, and has a grade B+ tight pussy!" The man in the red coat was high up on a platform, addressing the audience. Ahead of me were the machines. Where was Alex? I looked frantically. Oh god, oh god, all I could see was her backside, bent forward. The other girls were ahead.
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