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"Turning to give my man (who I knew had been watching) a wink and blow him a kiss, I headed to the ladies.Five minutes later, as I was wondering if he'd show, there was a double knock on the door. Letting him in, I thought it time to ask his name. Only polite after all. Rick was the answer."Well Rick, your test is oral. Lets see how good your tongue is when it matters"Placing one pointed toe on the closed seat, I rolled my skirt up to show him my smooth lips, sans panties."On your knees boy, I don't have all night."He approached me on his knees (this was a nice place, it was clean, don't write in hygiene fanatics!) and proceeded to thoroughly lick my lower lips, occasionally thrusting his tongue into my pussy hole."Oh I hate it when my man is right, you need taking in hand and training," I moaned.Pushing his face a way, he looked distraught."If others have 'cum' from that, they've been faking. Can you take direction? Well, guess we'll see. Right, do you see this here?" I was holding. "Yeah I remember you. Fastest thing on two legs I've ever seen!"Sammy just grinned back. "Just lucky I guess," she said modestly."So what are you doing here?" Bobby asked Dave."My big sister's on the team. You'll probably recognize her - she came to a lot of our ball games. We've always cheered for each other like this." He turned and pointed to where the girls were warming up. "That's her there — the blond on the backline practicing sets."Bobby and Sammy followed his pointing finger. "Yeah, she does look familiar," said Bobby.Patty offered, "Collette's in my pottery class, and we remembered each other from watching you all playing baseball. She has a car, and she and Dave gave me a ride tonight."It was now about 5 minutes until the game was scheduled to start. The teams finished their warm ups and gathered around their coaches for some final instructions. Dave and Patty scrambled down to be immediately behind the bench to wish Collette good luck.They were all somewhat surprised to.
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