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” We both laughed, which of course made my gut muscles tense and pinched his dwindling cock. “Ooh,” he said, pulling himself out. “Ooh, ow, ooh,” I said as my asshole suddenly contracted, and we laughed again. We lay there quietly for some time. After a bit Tom got up, went into the kitchen. rummaged around in the fridge and came back with two beers. He handed me one, reached behind his ear and produced a joint. He raised his eyebrows comically, lit the joint and plopped down beside me. With one leg thrown companionably over mine, he settled back into his pillow, took a long hit and turned to me. “So, tell me about your life.” Although we had talked a long time the night before, it turned out we hadn’t exhausted every topic. We talked about our home towns, our siblings and parents, our schools and jobs and girlfriends, our wives and kids, our ambitions and achievements and failures. After about an hour he got up and, still naked, went back to the kitchen. I heard him banging. Her screams and squeals of delight were mixed with Randy’s howls of bliss. A few times Billy knocked on the door and begged for admittance, but Layla just told him to drink his sorrows away and take care of his needs alone.Hours later the house was quiet. Randy was breathing slow and deep. BillyBob was snoring on the couch, empty beer cans strewn all around him. Layla gathered up what money she could find in the house, put on a pair of denim shorts and a tank top, packed her one old battered suitcase with her few belongings and headed out the door. It was only a few blocks to Main Street, the road all the trucks used to come and go from the mill.At Main she walked north, waiting for the sound of a truck. The sun was just beginning to show as she got to the edge of town and she heard the deep rumble of a big diesel truck. Turning and sitting on her suitcase, she stuck out her thumb in the universal sign that asked for a ride.She heard the air brakes hiss and saw the truck begin to.
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