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I ached for you, longed to caress you, making you a reality … my reality. Your hair swung like a flag in the breeze, your eyes fluttering at me, showing me the gorgeous face I have been dreaming about for some time now. Then … you kissed me. Puckered lips touching my own, mouth to mouth, seducing me, keeping me, making me your puppet. I shook, seeing myself from outside the dream, watching it all unfold. Your fingers stroked me, touching me, closing the gap, our tongue swirling around one another. Our eyes closed slowly, enduring the pleasure we wanted for so very long. God help me you felt amazing in my arms in my dream. You came along within me, kissing me, holding me, caressing me, and then … stripping me. Your fingers undid the button and zipper of my jeans and I could see I was free of the denim, and completely naked underneath. My hard-on ballooned outward, the cock firm and stiff in your grip, and you stroked me with loving assuring grips of your manicured fingers. I could. Hey he exclaimed she is still a virgin as he pulled his cock out of her revealing it was red with her virginal blood. Then he and the rest of the males in the school fucked her. Over two hundred males fucked her through out the weekend many of her fellow male teachers taking turns putting their cocks into one of her three holes. When Monday came they dressed her in her sexy outfit and sat her behind her desk. The girls had shoved a small vibrating toy into her anus and another in her pussy. They were remote controlled by the leader of the group of girls. Through out the day she caused the teacher to have orgasms in front of her students. Those males and some females would walk up to her and get tastes of her pussy cum. Then one had an idea they forced her to have many orgasms and saved her cum. They took her cum and took it to the school cafeteria mixed it into the strawberries for strawberry shortcake. Later that day after lunch word spread that anyone that had eaten the strawberry.
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