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What it means being a “fuckboy”? Means guys that I like to fuck once in a while. All friends of mine, guys that I can trust completely and do whatever I want to do, whenever I want. And no strings attached, just pure and plain sex.Bob and Jim are two of them. We know each other since long time and we are best buddies a lot. So, it was logic that both, being hunks as they are, should be inside the list of potential fuckboys I have. And one trip to the beach will show you how they were good at it.We gone with a bunch of friends to the beach. We stood at the house of a cousin of Marla, another friend of mine. It was the ordinary beach vacation, parties, beach fun, drinking, hanging out, that sort of thing.One day, after a party, were the three of us, me, Bob and Jim (of course) alone, in a room, drinking and talking about life and stuff. It was a pretty fun talk, but soon we ran out of subjects, so I guess is when I threw my most precious “card”.“Boys, what you two plan to do later?”“I. I nodded as she leaned against the door frame. “Own space, own money, what’s got into him? I’ve never kept him tight for cash - when I had some,” Gran added ruefully. “You alright for cash, for spends Mick?” I nodded and chewed a finger nail. “Good, good. Seeing Jim tonight?” I shook my head, pushing books aside and asking if she wanted to sit down, knowing her arthritis played up now and then. She perched on the bed.“God, he does upset me after all this time, should know better - daft bugger,” she chided herself ... at least I think she was chiding herself. Real tears, welled up in her eyes and she started to sob. “I’ll be OK it’s just when, you know ... I’ll be OK ... you know,” she mumbled, dabbing her weepy eyes. I made a grab for the tissue box at my bedside, as she did the same. My knee jolted her thigh and my arm brushed across Gran’s tits. It was weird. I hadn’t realised her nipples were erect. I couldn’t see them, her blouse was an opaque material but I felt them, my wrist.
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