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”“I think someone thinks it’s a good idea,” you said with a grin on your face. “You reach up and unbuckle my belt with sure, quick, motions. You unsnap my pants and unzip me. Grabbing the waistband of both my pants and boxers, you pull them down to my knees in one quick motion. My cock springs out as it is released, smacking my belly with an audible “Thwapp”. A slight drizzle of precum oozes out of the head onto my stomach. “See. I was right. He looks very happy to be out.” You leaned over and started running your tongue up the underside of my hard dick, taking a very slow path up towards the head. Your hair brushes my legs as you move farther up the shaft. Finally you reach the head, and run your tongue around the crown, licking up the little bubbles of lubrication seeping out. You pick up your head and look me in the eyes. “Mmmm. That is good. I am going to have a lot more fun with this than studying for some stupid test.” And with that you pulled my cock up with. Erica hated him, but all the tension and frustration ended up causing Erica and her mom to fight amongst themselves, usually about her step-dad. Erica was always close to her mom, until she remarried four years ago. Erica was a gifted student, she was an academic decathlon winner, honor student, High-Q club, tutored dumb kids in her off time, and worked her vacation and summer off time in her step-dads law firm. She said she had been mistaken numerous times for a lawyer at her step-dads firm. I remembered how smart she was as a little kid, as a teen she was scary smart and well read. I had forgotten how pretty she was. Part of being an intern is you have to dress according to code. Business Professional, or youll look like a rube. she said. I had a nice dress I wore all the time and several blouses, so I wouldnt look the same all the time. My second year, the firm gave me a clothing stipend, I bought four suits. she said, smiling big. The best part of interning is hanging with the.
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