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He had half a dozen photos of himself, including several face pics, he listed his age and what he was in to. His profile said he was looking for guys that would like to master/dominate him and that he loves being a submissive bottom. His message to me was an actual paragraph asking me if I would be interested in that role, he said he couldn't host but could travel and we were less than twenty kilometers from each other.A cute, skinny, twenty-two year old guy wanted to drive over and let me use him, sounds great!We sent some messages back and forth, I shot him a face pics of me, we set some sexual boundaries and arranged a time for him to come over. An hour or so later, my door bell rang and he was right on time, to the minute actually.At my unit here I have an internal shared staircase so I buzzed him in ad cracked the door to my unit (Seinfeld style).It wasn't long and he, I called him 'Slave Boy', walked in the door. I was standing in my living room waiting. I was wearing a. I could get hold of the sword and direct the dildo handle towards Elenore's sex without her knowing a thing. I loved how her breath stopped as the metal handle started to invade her sex. Her hand inside my sex was still as she tried to adjust to the sensation. I heard her gasp of surprise as the dildo turned animated when it entered her, it was pure joy to my ears. The experience of her first penetration would be very real, except of course the exceptional size of the dildo. "Love slave, keep me distracted or I get bored and hurry up," I teased her. The result was instant, she was back fisting me again. I awarded her by going more slowly as I started to feed more of the dildo handle into her cunt. Our previous love making had made her very wet so there was no great difficulty as I feed inch after inch of animated magic steel into her sex. I could hear her moans as the animated handle pleasured her. Her breath was caught between pleasure and slight discomfort as the dildo expanded her.
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