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When he told me no, I mentioned the car in the parking lot.Twenty minutes later I saw a police cruiser pull up and arrest the man. The chief called me back and said the man had no valid reason to be at a kid's facility. He was searched, as well as his car. They found he had a gun with no serial numbers on it and no carrying permit as well as some pills in an unmarked bottle. It reminded me of what they found on Mary's nightstand.They also found that he was smoking a little weed at the time. There was more than enough evidence to put him away for a while. Drugs near a school and carrying a gun illegally would tie him up good. He didn't admit he worked for Romeo but the chief and I both knew better.I didn't mention what went on in the parking lot to Mary. She had enough problems on her plate. When it was time to leave, she cried when she had to say goodbye to her kids. I promised them that we would do our best so they could be with their mother.Romeo was getting pissed at losing his. I just smiled and walked out the door. I was so excited to get to the gym. That was all I had been thinking about at work. The fantasies I was having at work made it very difficult to concentrate on my work, but I made it through the day with a wicked smile on my face. I got to the gym a little early so I could change and stretch a little, so not to be too sore after I worked out. I was in the middle of stretching with my hands around my ankles, when I saw a pair of muscular legs standing behind me. I stayed bent over so Brian got a nice view of my firm ass and he could get an idea of my flexibility. “Are you ready for me to whip your ass?” he asked with a smile. “Oh yes sir,” I replied with a salute. I noticed he left off “Into shape” every time he said that statement, and I so hoped it insinuated what was to come. Holy crap, he had me do a circuit of lunges, crunches, push-ups, squats, and bench dips. He pushed me through each set by counting down each rep and encouraging me.
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