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Laura gave a feebly gasped reply in the affirmative.Taking to the bed, he let the suspense build. Penetrating her sex first, he slicked up his penis and spat hard at her puckered hole. He felt the coursing sense of energy and the solid tumult of his penis poised to penetrate her. With a sudden shock of electricity, she froze as he breeched her. She wriggled as he sank deeper and deeper with one slow firm push, then a gasp and she insisted on more.The draft of his obscene girth forced her muscles to accept it and eventually she learned to yelp with pleasure. Laura spat obscenities as Harry fucked her snug behind with his entire length. Crouched over her, he never revealed his joy at buggering her for the first time. The voice of his intuition quietly encouraged him and the torrent of her thoughts guided his body.Pulling the belt to ease her head up, it forced her to meet his thrusts. Her rapid deep yelps for air punctuated every thrust. He ordered that she crammed her fingers into her. The man passed out after about twenty, but even unconscious, he still had a huge erection."Masochists," muttered David. "They will probably fuck each other senseless all night in that alley waiting for their new master to come and claim them." Our next scene should probably be entitled, 'Be Careful What You Wish For.'" called out The Owner. "Normally everyone here tonight receives a personal invitation from me, but this woman found out about us through her smart phone."He made another Mediterranean facial gesture. With his eyebrows raised and his mouth formed into an exaggerated frown, he continued, "It seems she installed a special hacker app on her phone that infected other phones and allowed her to monitor any incoming and outgoing text on any person's phone who had ever texted her. In this case, she read my text to her employer's phone. She contacted me because she craves sex and her current situation limits the amount of sex she can receive. She says she has never been.
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